Contact Campus France Hong Kong

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Campus France is your best contact for obtaining information about French higher education. Students in Hong Kong and Macau, contact Campus France's Hong Kong office and let us guide you to make your dreams in France come true.

Campus France: a worldwide network

The Campus France agency has a network of 255 locations and annexes in 124 countries with almost 500 counsellors around the world.

The main mission of Campus France is the promotion of French higher education to international students and the institutes where they study. They answer questions about French programs, assist international students in their administrative formalities and prepare them for their arrival in France.


carte des espace mapemonde

Campus France Hong Kong is at your disposal

Trained by Campus France, in partnership with key education conferences and ministries in France, we assist you from a first consultation up until your academic registration, as well as when you return to Hong Kong and Macau as an alumni.

We will guide you, advise you on choosing a programme, and help you with the administrative and consular formalities before you arrive in France.



Campus France Hong Kong's office is located at the French Consulate in Hong Kong.


Campus France Hong Kong

25/F, Tower II, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road,

Hong Kong

Tel: +852 3752-9974
