Psychological Assistance for International Students

In France, higher education institutions, the CROUS network and associations assist international students facing psychological challenges.
Health services in higher education institutions
The university health services located in the universities are available on hotlines and welcome students by appointment to help them monitor their health, including to respond to their requests for support and psychological counselling.
Counselling centres, called Bureaux d’aide psychologique universitaires (BAPU, University Counselling Offices), welcome students in need of psychological assistance to meet with professionals such as psychotherapists and social workers. These consultations are 100% covered by health insurance and mutual insurance companies.
Consult information on health monitoring and psychological support for students on the website.
The associative psychological support systems for students
In Paris, the association Nightline, created by volunteer students for students, offers, in partnership with the CROUS and higher education institutions, a support listening service, by telephone and chat, fully anonymous and confidential. Nightline is also available in Lille, Lyon and Saclay.
In addition, Nightline has created a website,, available also in English, which for the first time lists all the psychological support and listening services for students throughout France.
The associative website Apsytude has created Happsy Line, a free psychological consultation by webcam specially designed for students and run by professionals. Within the framework of partnerships with the CROUS and higher education institutions, Happsy hours help students to make an appointment for an individual consultation with a psychologist.
There are other initiatives in France. CROUS and higher education institutions promote these initiatives on their websites and social networks. Check out notices and publications from your training institution and your academy’s CROUS.
Know your numbers
To help you in case of social and psychological difficulties, you can easily get in touch with a support structure. Here are a few useful phone numbers to know:
- National phone number dedicated to student assistance: 0 806 000 278
This number is available from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, and is tax free. Use it to contact a counsellor who will provide you with all information regarding assistance from the CROUS.
- Coronavirus Covid-19 info line: 0800 130 000, 24/7
Free call and services. Information service about Covid-19 (this platform will not provide medical consultation) (with contact area for deaf, hard of hearing or blind individuals)
- Terrapsy - Psychologists without borders: 09 82 25 62 45
Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12:30 and 1:30 pm to 5 pm
Free call and services.
Dialogue and psychological assistance for any individual made fragile or isolated by the lockdown. Dialogues in French, English and Arabic.
- SOS Help: 01 46 21 46 46
Every day from 3 pm to 11 pm - Local charge may apply.
Dialogue and assistance in English for people in distress and their close circle.
- Croix-Rouge Ecoute:
0800 858 858, Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 7 pm, Sunday from 12 pm to 6 pm or 09 70 28 30 00, Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 7 pm – Call and service free of charge.
Psychological assistance and supportive delivery
Nos-actions/Action-sociale/Ecoute-acces-aux-droits/Croix-Rouge-Ecoute- service de soutien-psychologique-par-téléphone
(accessible to deaf or hard of hearing individuals)
- SOS Crise: 0800 19 00 00, every day from 9 am to 9 pm
Free call and service.
Dialogue, assistance, information and follow-up for individuals weakened by the lockdown situation.
- SOS Amitié: 09 72 39 40 50, 24/7
Free call and services. Dialogue and assistance for individual and their close circle in distress. Certified “Aide en Santé” (assistance in healthcare)
- Suicide Ecoute: 01 45 39 40 00, 24/7
Local call fee. Assistance and dialogue for individual in high psychological distress or facing suicide, and their close circle - Certified “Aide en Santé” (assistance in healthcare)
- SOS Suicide Phénix: 01 40 44 46 45, every day from 3 pm to 11 pm
Local call fee. Assistance and dialogue for individual in psychological distress or facing suicide, and their close circle - Certified “Aide en Santé” (assistance in healthcare)
Websites and mobile apps for your well-being
Many websites and mobile apps will help you feel good. Here are a few recommendations:
Pure consciousness, yoga and relaxation:
- 10-min Body Scan Mindfulness Practice (Lying Down) with Angie Chew
- 10-Min yoga to improve your sleep, to be practiced... in bed!
- Respire lax+: Free Android app to find peace and relaxation in just a few minutes.
- Respirotec: free app available on the Playstore. The app helps you integrate the Heart Coherence technique to manage stress, reduce anxiety and regulate emotions.
Sports practice:
- Bougezchezvous: the Ministry of Sport’s portal to help you integrate physical activity into your daily life
Food and Diet:
- Develop your culinary skills by joining the community of student chefs - Improve your diet with MangerBouger, the national nutrition and health programme