Why have a student buddy?

Having a student buddy in France can be very useful in helping you get settled in when you arrive in France, or even before your departure. It's also an excellent way to meet other students.
What is a buddy?
A buddy is a student who volunteers to help an international student when they arrive in France. The buddy may in particular help you complete your first administrative procedures. With this person, you will also be able to quickly meet other students, French or international, and become familiar with French culture.

How to find a buddy
With a presence in 34 cities in France, the Erasmus Student Network - ESN (Réseau d’Associations Etudiantes in French) can put you in touch with a sponsor to help you settle in via the Buddy System platform.
In some French institutes of higher education, the international relations department also has sponsorship programmes for foreign students, often through the student associations. Don't hesitate to contact them before you arrive in France.
There are several sponsorship networks, usually at least one per city or university. For example, in Montpellier, Nîmes and Perpignan, the Parrainage International (International Sponsorship) network offers this type of service.