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EM Normandie Business School is one of the oldest business school in France and part of the Top 20 best business school on the French rankings. Take this opportunity to meet with their academic and industry experts, learn about how new technologies are transforming global industries, and discover the training opportunities you can access with EM Normandie.

Description of Institution

EM Normandie Business School

EM Normandie Business School is one of the oldest business school in France and part of the Top 20 best business school on the French rankings.

The school is accredited by both AACSB and EQUIS and has a large portfolio of programs from undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education. Recognized by the Ministry of Education and Research, EM Normandie Business School is a member of the Conference des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) and of the European foundation for the Management Development (EFMD).

Originally based in Normandie, EM Normandie Business School multisite structure in France (Le Havre, Caen, Paris), UK (Oxford) and Ireland (Dublin) guarantees international mobility to all students and offers a bench of programs answering to local specific needs in competences.

With more than 220 international partner universities in over 50 countries offering study abroad, double degree program and research opportunities. EM Normandie has 93 faculty members, 30% of which are international and confirms the willingness to reinforce its international strategy.

With more than 5,000 companies partnerships Students and more than 20,000 alumnis, EM Normandie Business School offers plenty opportunities to boost their employability and build the best national or international career.

EM Normandie Business School’s Programs

  • Bachelor International Management
  • Master in Management (Grande Ecole Program)
  • 8 Msc Taught in English (Supply Chain, Finance, Events, International Marketing, Luxury)
  • 6 specialized Masters Taught in French
  • Executive Education
em normandie


Prof. Mike O’Rinel from EM Normandie will be participating in a panel discussion on "Does Sustainable Business Create More Value? The Case of Textile & Fashion Industry" on March 17th (Wed) at 3:40pm as part of the HKUST X FRANCE SUSTAINABILITY DAY. Tune in to his panel discussion!

Register here

Speaker Profile


Prof. Mike O’Rinel, Professor of CSR and Ethics & Sustainability in Luxury, EM Normandie

Graduated and trained in sustainable development, political science (communication) & law (international public and environment), as well as an experience of 7 years in the organization and strategy consulting, Mike has spent more than 15 years in the Luxury sector.

In 2003 he founded ANHA, a niche design agency, dedicated to luxury brands with an eco-design approach on materials and high-end packaging.
As Assistant Professor at the Rennes Business School and EIML Paris, he teaches on CSR and business ethics. 

Today, he advises and supports luxury brands in the implementation of sustainable strategies and practices.

An expert in responsible purchasing and a specialist in the fashion, design, and luxury sectors, he helps to limit their societal and environmental impacts.