Études en France (EEF) – a new application system to study in France

Starting from 1st October, 2023, Hong Kong & Macao are part of the Études en France platform. This is a unique online service for all the registration procedures in higher education in France for foreign students. For the detailed tutorial of the EEF platform, click here.
A centralised online service for all applicants
Études en France (https://pastel.diplomatie.gouv.fr/etudesenfrance/dyn/public/authentific…) is a fully paperless platform that manages all the procedures for applying to higher education institutions in France, right up to the visa application. With a single common file on the Études en France platform, foreign applicants can apply to several higher education programs in France with the help of Campus France Hong Kong agents.
Before applying to programs on the Études en France platform, applicants should be aware of the following timelines and prerequisites, including French language proficiency requirements. Students who have not received their test results at the time of application may register for a French test while waiting for their final results.
Since program availability and prerequisites are communicated by the French institutions, applicants should contact them directly if they need clarification on requirements.
Overview of the procedure:

There are 2 categories of application procedure on the Études en France platform depending on your situation:
- Candidates
- Pre-consular applicants
Candidates Category
Applying for a Master's degree on the Études en France platform or a 2nd and 3rd year of a Bachelor's
The candidates procedure, Hors Demande d'Admission Préliminaire (HDAP) concerns foreign students applying to a graduate program (Masters) in France or the second or third year of an undergraduate program (Licence 2 and 3).
Applicants to the HDAP procedure must apply via the Etudes en France online platform and are allowed to apply to a maximum of 7 programs.
*It is important to note that some French institutions are not connected to the Études en France platform. For these programs, applicants must contact the institutions directly. After you are being accepted into such program, you will still need to register on Études en France as a Pre-consular Applicant.
Applying for the first year of a bachelor's degree program
The candidates procedure, DAP (Demande d'Admission Préalable) concerns all foreign students who are not nationals of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland and who hold a foreign secondary school diploma and who are applying for the first year of a bachelor's degree or a National School of Architecture /Ecole Nationale d'Architecture (ENSA).
DAP candidates must register on the online platform of Études en France and are allowed to apply to 3 Bachelor's degree programs (Dossier Blanc) and 2 programs in Architecture school (all levels).
Note: You can submit up to 7 applications on the Études en France online platform. It will therefore be possible to submit more applications outside the DAP procedure.
If you are a French national or have (or are preparing for) a French baccalaureate or a European baccalaureate, the application procedure for the first year of higher education is done online through the www.parcoursup.fr platform.
Pre-Consular Applicants Category
Doing an exchange program at a French institution
The pre-consular applicants category procedure concerns foreign students doing an exchange program at a French institution. You will need to register on the Études en France platform before applying for a visa.
You are accepted into a Master’s degree program outside of the Études en France platform
The pre-consular applicants category procedure concerns foreign students being accepted to a Master’s program at a French institution outside of the Études en France platform. You will need to register on the Études en France platform before applying for a visa.
Doing a non-credit program in France (French language courses, cooking classes etc.)
The pre-consular applicants category procedure concerns foreign students doing a non-credit program at a French institution. You will need to register on the Études en France platform before applying for a visa.
Situations in which the Études en France platform is not applicable
Applying to art programs
There are different procedures and timetables for candidates applying to art programs in France. For more information, please visit the Campus Art website.
Applying for a PhD
The "Studies in France" procedure does not apply to foreign students who wish to apply for a doctorate. Contact directly the doctoral schools that propose the research topics that interest you.
Consult the Campus France catalogs to find the institutions that correspond to your choice of studies. Once you have obtained a positive answer, apply for a "talent-researcher passport" visa at the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong.
Timeline for the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) procedure - Dossier Blanc
- Opening of the procedure: October 1, 2023
- Deadline for submitting applications to institutions: December 15, 2023
- Deadline for institutional pedagogical committees: April 30, 2024
- Deadline for the student's decision: May 31, 2024
Timeline for the Demande d’Admission Préalable jaune (Architecture)
- Opening of the procedure: October 1, 2023
- Deadline for submitting applications to institutions: December 15, 2023
- Deadline for institutional pedagogical committees: April 30, 2024
- Deadline for the student's decision: May 31, 2024
Timeline for applications outside the Demande d'Admission Préalable (Hors DAP) procedure
- Opening of the procedure: October 1, 2023
- Deadline for submitting applications to institutions: March 1, 2024
- Deadline for institutional pedagogical committees: April 30, 2024
- Deadline for the student's decision: May 31, 2024
How to apply
Create your account on the Etudes en France platform by following the instructions provided on the homepage.
Required documents for application

Application fee
$1800 (this does not include the visa fees, which is reduced to 50€ for EEF applicants)
Students exempt from the Etudes en France Application fee:
- Students who are recipients of a French government scholarship for the academic year for which they are applying.
- Students who hold a French Baccalauréat awarded within the last four academic years.
If you fall into one this category, please email to Campus France Hong Kong to request an exemption. Please include all documentation related to your exemption request (Copy of your scholarship documentation, etc.).
Terms and Conditions
Payment will require the student’s Campus France Etudes en France identification number (HKXX-XXXXX – number issued when the student created the Etudes en France account). Payments will be processed by the Alliance Française de Hong Kong. Payments are final and not refundable.
The application must be complete with the required documents uploaded and submitted. If applications are incomplete when submitted and when payment is made, the review of the application, including processing the visa will take longer.
Service and follow-up
Campus France Hong Kong is available to assist applicants throughout the admission process. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Campus France Hong Kong office at campus-france.hong-kong-cslt@diplomatie.gouv.fr