NEOMA Business School

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Built upon its 150-year history, NEOMA Business School draws upon the many strengths that have contributed to the excellence of its founder schools in Rouen and Reims (established in 1871 and 1928 respectively).


We educate students, executives, and entrepreneurs, and generate knowledge to shape the future of business and society in a global, sustainable, and connected world.

In an era of artificial intelligence, we foster human intelligence.

The school offers an extensive portfolio of programmes across its campuses in Reims, Rouen and Paris, and its virtual campus, from Bachelor’s and Master’s in Management to Executive Education, for over 9,500 students.

The faculty includes more than 185 permanent professors and research-professors, 72% of whom have an international profile. NEOMA Business School has more than 65,700 graduates based in 127 countries.




Mr. Dilip Subramanian will be participating in "What Does the Future Hold for the Luxury Industry in Europe and Asia?" on September 29th (Wed) as part of WELCOME TO FRANCE: A FRENCH TOUCH @ HKU. Tune in to the discussion from 5:00 - 6:00 PM (HK time).

Register here.

Speaker Profile



Mr. Dilip Subramanian
Associate Professor, Head of MSc International Luxury Management, HR & Organization Studies, NEOMA Business School

Dilip SUBRAMANIAN is Associate Professor in the People & Organisation Department at NEOMA Business School. He teaches Organisational Theory and Human Resource Management, Leadership, the Sharing Economy, and Luxury Management in graduate level and MBA programmes. He is also the Director of the MSc International Luxury Management (IMLux) programme which Neoma runs jointly with MIP Politecnico di Milano and offers students a double degree. Dilip’s research interests lie mainly in the area of Sociology of Work in both the manufacturing and service Sector. He is currently investigating the impact of the introduction of digital technology on the organization of work in public sector utilities and the catering industry. He has published in several international peer-reviewed publications such as Work and Occupations, Economic and Industrial Democracy, and Modern Asian Studies.

If needed, more information to be found on LinkedIn: