Dr. Reynold C.K. Cheng

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Dr. Reynold Cheng is a Full Professor of the Department of Computer Science in the University of Hong Kong. His research interests include Database and Uncertainty Management. Join us on March 11th in a dynamic discussion on "Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Internet of Things: The Future of Science and Technology".


Dr. Reynold C.K. Cheng from HKU will be participating in a discussion on "Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Internet of Things: The Future of Science and Technology" on March 11th (Thurs) as part of the FRENCH AI & DATA WEEK @HKU. Tune in to his panel discussion from 4:55 - 6:00 pm (HK time).

Register here.

Speaker Profile

Dr. Reynold C.K. Cheng
BEng, MPhil HKU; MSc, PhD Purdue
Computing & Data Analytics Programme Director; 

Dr. Reynold Cheng is a Full Professor of the Department of Computer Science in the University of Hong Kong. He was an Associate and Assistant Professor in HKU during 2008-20. He received his BEng ( Computer Engineering ) in 1998, and MPhil ( Computer Science and Information Systems ) in 2000, from the Department of Computer Science in the University of Hong Kong. He then obtained his MSc and PhD from Department of Computer Science of Purdue University in 2003 and 2005 respectively. Dr. Cheng was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University during 2005-08. 

Dr. Cheng was granted an Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2011-12 by HKU. He received the Performance Reward in years 2006 and 2007 awarded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is an Assistant Director of the Interdisciplinary Strategic Research Cluster of HKU Engineering, and a Deputy Director of the Institute of Law and Technology. He is a Fellow of the HKU Institute of Transport Studies, and a Fellow of HKU Sau Po Centre on Ageing.  He is the Chairman of the Engineering Admissions Committee, and the programme director of Computing and Data Analytics. He is an editorial board member of TKDE, DAPD, and IS. He is the PC co-chair of IEEE ICDE, lead PC chair of WISE 2019, vice chair of ICDE 2020, and area chair of ICDE 2017. He received an Outstanding Reviewer Award in ICDE 2019, and an Outstanding Service Award in CIKM 2009.